Last day of 4p

Today I have finished my 4p and am going to present it to Mr. Brown tomorrow, I also helped Mr. Shirley design a poster for the karaoke night school fundraiser, I really hope that I do good, anyways wish me luck.

Last week third day 10/4/19

Well teaching the year 5 and 6’s was quite enjoyable as they were very eager to learn they even learned to count to 100, but the younger kids were eager to learn but didn’t learn much but honestly, what do you expect out of 8-year-olds, they did, however, learn to count to 10 and I’m […]

Last week second day 9/4/19

Today I got a response from the teachers of room 4 and 5 regarding whether they could send some students over during maths time so that I could teach them mandarin as my 4P, I also got my ted talk basically done (I just need to write whether my “students” enjoyed my mandarin class) I did […]

My book reveiw on “The Giver”

Lois Lowry does it again with this new book about a 12 year old boy in a seemingly utopian society, but as the story progresses, things start to change as Jonas receives strange abilities and is selected as the new “receiver of memory” the one who is burdened with the task to store all memories before “sameness” […]

Mortal fire

Book by Elizabeth Knox Drewbert Monoy , Age 12 Canny is a girl who is sent out by her mother To go to a place called Zarene valley, with her brother Sholto and his girlfriend Susan, this is where Canny discovers children that have the ability to perform magic that makes things stronger and better […]